Saturday, May 13, 2006

Hanno's Background

I have also been working on a Dungeons and Dragons character for a game I am playing in, this one hasn't been going for as long as the Ars Magica saga but we are making progress and getting in many bar room brawls. See below for the short background I have provided the dungeon master. Now he has asked for me to write up Carthagum - history purists look away as I am about to bastardise the Athenian empire and Carthaginian by mashing them together into bubble and squeak.

Hanno’s background

Born and abandoned in a back alley of the great trading city of Carthagum, Hanno was raised by combination of his own wits and the less than altruistic hands of swindlers, professional spruikers, thieves, bouncers, bartenders and prostitutes. Hanno likes all manner of action.

Carthagum is a large and prosperous city state where everything is for sale, and everything is available. Combined with this is a total absence of discrimination, so long as you can pay, and all manner of humanoids and goblinoids exist in a semi-peaceful state with a multitude of other races. Hanno can happily exist side by side with anyone.

Amongst this population Hanno spent most of his time in the Carthagum docklands amidst goblins, dwarves and humans learning to talk, fight and think his way into and out of trouble. It was in these alleys that he also found and started to worship the Goddess Volineadiri before joining a Corsair crew bounds for the Open Ocean and distant ports. For want of a mentor or father figure Hanno has embraced his religion and is a fanatical follower.

Volineadiri (Neutral Evil) is the Goddess of Drink, Wenching, Song and Death. She is beloved of the Corsairs of Carthagum as she offers guidance for Ocean travelers and those that get in fights, loves the confident and dexterous, is a Goddess for the individual and bloody unpredictable and favours the Cutlass and Rapier. To achieve Divinity Volineadiri has and continues, to cheat death an infinite number of times and looks most beatifically on those who cheat death in the mortal realm – of course this means that when you die and stay dead she has no time for you.

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