Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day Two - YouAreHere writer-in-residence

It is only the end of day two, but already I have heard Matty Ellis and Waterford sing from a Mixtape, and witnessed lots of quite good questions get finished by a man in a bathtub who was wearing undies. Who wears undies in the bath? “I do.” would likely have been the answer, maybe with some pointing and an eyebrow. It was good, I wish my friend Bela Farkas had seen it.

Photo from YouAreHere, I felt I could steal this 'cause I'm the writer-in-residence and I hope they don't mind. Imagine that guy is Bela Farkas watching a man in his undies in a bathtub.

I heard more from Chiara Grassia and Nat Clark about their upcoming Canberra Zine Emporium (CZE) when I went to the YouAreHere Festival Breakfast. You can read something about CZE by following this link. You should go to the Emporium, you will not only find zines you may hear music like this.

Giz Medium will be teaming up with Bridget to become VÉLOCIRAPTOR (the accent is important) at the Canberra Zine Emporium.*

As a result of the YouAreHere Festival Breakfast I have been investigating Zine Bands. The breakfasts are almost every day of the festival, you may go to one then decide to investigate something.

I also heard from Lindsay Lohan in her space prison ship, I have never seen a Lindsay Lohan movie, not even the Herbie Remake, and I love Herbie movies, and I liked the poster. But not this YouTube clip, which may explain why I did not see the movie.

I don’t know why Lindsay Lohan is in prison. But I am glad I saw this with Doubting Thomas.

Finnigan had the words “Destroy A Child” painted on his chest, I’m not going to explain any of it, wait for the video. I am glad I saw this with Doubting Thomas, I wish Bela had seen it.

There was more, and there are things coming up. Tomorrow morning you can crush opponents in poker while eating their pancakes, or just pile their pancakes up around you as you win hand after hand after hand after hand of poker. You can also roll about in the piles of pancakes you win. The event is called Pancakes and Poker. You play for pancakes in the Pancake Parlour.

And Mall Stories 2013 will be released, download that when you can.

And Sunday is Australia 2050; you should go to the event and tell the CSIRO what you think about the now and the future, read a bit about that here.

* This may be to do with Secret Gig II. I may have out investigative journalised the people running that gig.

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