Saturday, April 27, 2013

An idea for a zine from America

I caught a train from Worcester to Boston, then another from Boston to Philadelphia that went via New York. I am thinking of putting together a zine called Photos from trains across America. I am catching trains to Richmond, to Washington, then Chicago and finally to New York City. I’ll see if I remember to do it when I get back to Australia. For now here are some of the images I have taken and really liked.

This looks a very lonely house, I wonder if anyone uses this house, this area looks like it would flood.

Empty train stations that appear to be in the middle of nowhere. Who uses this one? Do they go to work or school? What do they like to eat and do they eat it on the train? Did the person who rode the bike parked in this photo get on the train alone with something they like to eat?

On most of the train crossings I have seen there are no barricades. That worries me. In Philadelphia I saw a footpath to a train line. The footpath just started in an empty lot and led straight to an open train line. There was no path on the other side of the train line. Nor anything at the train line that would indicate the utility of the path.

Industrial landscapes are my favourite. I was discussing with a stranger that I would be walking across the north of Spain. The person said go to the coast and walk because there are beaches and water, and it is nicer than the run-down industry of Spain. I am looking forward to run-down industry and landscapes that people have built over generations of work and ideas, even failed or completed ideas. The above photo was taken while entering New York City.

This photo makes me wish people hadn’t parked their cars in it.

I like all the boxes you see around train yards. I imagine each is integral to the functioning of the yard.

Beside the door is written Staten Island, and some words I could not read. I figure this may be the train to Staten Island.

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