Saturday, October 11, 2014

An ArtsACT Grant

I won a grant from ArtsACT to work on my second book of poetry.

The grant will support mentoring by David Stavanger as well as have him edit the manuscript with me. I will be travelling to Brisbane in January and again in February to work with him

I am really stoked about being supported in working with David. Seeing him perform as Ghostboy at Night Words Festival in the Sydney Opera House in 2008 was a big part of why I started performing my poetry, and he has been totally supportive of poetry in the Australian Capital Territory since Hadley and I started talking about establishing a poetry slam in Canberra.

I wrote the application for the grant while on residency at the Can Serrat International Art Center in Catalonia. 

Can Serrat
This is the first grant application I have applied for to pursue my writing. I am excited that the application was supported by the ACT Government and know that time away gave me the space to put the grant application together.

Preparation for working with David is already underway, dates have been finalised for my travel to Queensland and I have been editing the manuscript with The Tragic Troubadours, Amanda and on my own so that it is in the best shape possible when I go to Queensland.

Forgotten City
The current working title of the manuscript is for all the veronicas (the dog who staid). Paul Summerfield has agreed to create an original artwork for the cover after I asked if I could use the piece, Forgotten City, and he said he would put something together especially for the book.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic news, Andrew, both for you personally and for Australian poetry in general. I can't wait to hear more new work.
